31 Mar 2007

News : バイオ燃料

海藻からバイオ燃料 東京海洋大、三菱総研など 日本海で2000万キロリットル生産へ

リサイクル推進へ高齢者送迎バス改造 廃植物油燃料で来月から運行 北斗市/北海道
SVOは植物系の廃油にメタノールなどを混ぜて精製するバイオディーゼル燃料 (BDF)と違い、不純物をこすだけで簡単に作れるのが特徴。軽油とほぼ同等の燃費で、黒鉛が少なく二酸化炭素の排出量を減らせるため、環境に優しい燃料として全国で導入が進む。道内では上川管内鷹栖町や空知管内栗山町などが、SVO対応のごみ収集車を運行している。

回収は市内107カ所の収集所に、市民に持ち込んでもらう形で行う。集まった廃食油は、大田切リサイクルステーションに運んで精製。バイオディーゼル燃料 (BDF)として、資源物収集車で使用する。

黄一色菜の花ステージ 磐田で「環境まつり」/静岡
特設ステージは一面の菜の花畑の上に浮かんだよう。磐田東高と県立磐田農高のブラスバンドが登壇し、見事な演奏を披露して来場者を楽しませた。地元住民 有志による演芸ステージも行われ、盛り上がりを見せた。
同協議会の青島一彦会長によると、同所では5年前から、水田の転作対策も兼ねて菜の花の栽培が始まった。同協議会は菜種油や、その廃油から精製したバイオ燃料の活用に取り組み、環境にやさしい「菜の花循環システム 」の普及に努めてきた。同まつりは4年前からで、システムの普及に役立てている。
今年もステージ前のテントで、バイオ燃料の使用や菜種油しぼりの実演、バイ オ燃料になる廃食油の回収などが行われ、来場者にシステムをアピールした。


バイオ燃料で需要増 穀物価格が急上昇
トウモロコシなど、世界的な穀物価格の上昇が食卓に押し寄せつつある。その背景にあるのは、自然に優しいとされるバイオエタノールの存在だ。原料となる「トウモロコシ、砂糖はエネルギー関連相場になってきた」(大日本明治製糖砂糖部)という。原油価格が上昇すると、代替燃料となるバイオエタ ノールの採算性が高まるため、一気に増産が進み、同じサトウキビからつくる砂糖の品薄感から価格が上昇。トウモロコシも同様だ。



バイオ燃料車に政府支援要請 GMなど3社が大統領と会談

米大統領、ビッグスリー首脳と会談 エタノール普及で一致
ビッグスリー首脳は会談後、「バイオ燃料や技術に依存していく大統領の方向性が確認できた」と強調。2012年までに生産車両の半数を代替 燃料対応車にする3社の目標を達成するため、エタノールが85%混入した燃料「E85」の普及促進策を求めた。


バイオ燃料用の作物栽培拡大?目標達成には現状の3倍へ? (フランス)

【ワシントン 27日 ロイター】 米上院エネルギー委員会のビンガマン委員長(民主党)とドメニチ議員(共和党)は27日 、2022年までにバイオ燃料使用量を現在の5倍以上に拡大する法案を発表した。 法案は、2022年までに再生可能燃料の年間使用量をその時点で予想される全米のガソリン需要の約21%に当たる、1360億リットルにするという内容。これは、ブッシュ政権が設定している期限より5年遅い。

7月から石油会社にバイオ燃料の使用割り当て (米国)

政府がバイオ燃料製造に本格着手 (フィリピン)

ひっ迫する世界の穀物 問われるニッポンの自給率 東京大学教授 鈴木宣弘

Solar Installations up 33% in US in 2006, 41% in World, Solar Capacity only Utilized 62%

Solar Installations up 33% in US in 2006, 41% in World, Solar Capacity only Utilized 62%

In an update on the solar industry Solarbuzz reports that the installation of solar photovoltaic (PV) devices in the United States increased by about 33 percent in 2006 over the previous year. Worldwide PV installations totaled 1,744 megawatts (MW) in 2006, a new record and a growth of 19 percent over 2005. The United States contributed just 8 percent of those installations, or about 140 MW, while Germany led the world market with 960 MW of PV installations, comprising 55 percent of the world's total PV installations for 2006. To supply that market, the global production of solar cells reached 2,204 MW in 2006, a growth of 33 percent over PV production in 2005, while the production of polysilicon a critical ingredient for silicon solar cells increased by 16 percent.

The Photovoltaic Service Program at Navigant Consulting has published a "Pre-Release" of its quarterly PV industry newsletter, Solar Outlook. The feature article in the release is an analysis of 2006 PV technology shipments. The PV industry grew by 41%, the same rate as the CAGR from 2000 to 2006. In 2005, thin film technologies were 6% of total shipments. Thin films increased their share of total to 7% in 2006, and are on track to increase by another percentage point, to 8% in 2007. Many more facts are included in the referenced pdf.

Notice that the Solarbuzz numbers are for global production, while the Navigant numbers are for shipments, perhaps explaining the difference in numbers or it may simply be a matter of discrepencies in data collection.







Sharp Solar

Sharp Solar

Sharp Solar, 22%




Q-Cells, 12%


BP Solar


Kyocera, 9%


Shell Solar

Shott Solar

Suntech, 8%



BP Solar

Sanyo, 6%


Shott Solar

Mitsubishi Electric

Mitsubishi Electric, 6%




Shott Solar, 5%


Mitsubishi Electric

Shell Solar

Motech, 5%




BP Solar, 4%




SunPower, 3%

Total Shipments




Solar_capadcity_utilization_gif The capacity utilization table on the left, from Navigant, reveals a somewhat suprising fact that production facilities were only used at 62% of capacity in 2006, up 1% from 2005, this happening while reports are that demand is exceeding supplies. This must at least be partially explained by the shortage in silicon.

This year is shaping up to be another banner year for PV installations in the United States. In early February, the Colorado Public Utility Commission (PUC) approved an 8-MW PV installation, which SunE Alamosa1, LLC will construct in Alamosa before year's end to provide solar power to Xcel Energy and its customers. Last week, the Nevada PUC approved a 20-year contract between Nevada Power Company and Solar Star NAFB for the installation of an 18-MW PV installation at Nellis Air Force Base. The Nevada PUC also approved 562 applications for customer-sited PV installations that will qualify for the state's SolarGenerations program. See the press releases from the Colorado PUC and the Nevada PUC.

Of course, California continues to demonstrate its solar power leadership by installing large PV systems throughout the state. Last week, Chevron Energy Solutions began building a 1-MW PV system that will form a parking structure at California State University, Fresno. In mid-March, San California Gas Company (a subsidiary of Sempra Energy) presented a $3.4 million incentive check to Peninsula Packaging for installing a 1-MW PV system at its facility in Exeter. On March 1st, the City of San Diego unveiled a 1-MW PV system at its Alvarado Water Treatment Plant, while SPG Solar, Inc. announced the completion of an 827-kilowatt PV system at Western Wine Services in the Napa Valley. Last week, SPG Solar also completed a 500-kilowatt PV system for the Sonoma County Water Agency. See the press releases from Chevron Energy Solutions, Sempra Energy, and the City of San Diego (PDF 37 KB), as well as the March 1st and March 19th press releases from SPG Solar.

29 Mar 2007

VRB Power Systems VRB-ESS for Sorne Hill "Has a Strong Economic Case"

VRB Power Systems VRB-ESS for Sorne Hill "Has a Strong Economic Case"

Vrb_500_kw_cell_stack VRB Power Systems (TSX-V: VRB ) announced that the Vanadium Redox Battery Energy Storage System (VRB-ESS™) being sold to Tapbury Management Limited ("Tapbury"), for Phase II of the Sorne Hill Wind Farm in County Donegal, Ireland ("Sorne Hill") has been increased in size from a 1.5MW x 8hr system to a 2MW x 6hr system.

The value of this contract to VRB Power has increased from US$6.3 million to approximately US$9.4 million. The agreement remains subject to execution of final contracts between Tapbury and VRB Power.

The re-sizing of this system follows completion of the independent feasibility study , by Grant Thorton, on the implementation of the VRB-ESS at Sorne Hill jointly commissioned by Sustainable Energy Ireland (SEI) and Tapbury. This study validates a number of the key revenue streams that will be generated by the VRB-ESS. It also concludes that the optimum size of the system is 2MW of power with 6 hours of storage and the ability to provide 3MW of pulse power for 10 minute periods every hour in order to deal with short term volatility in wind generation.

"We are delighted with the findings of this study," stated John Ward, Director of Tapbury. "The report provides technical and economic validation for a number of the key revenue streams that we had previously identified for the planned implementation of the VRB-ESS at Sorne Hill. The increase in the size of the system enables us to maximize these revenue streams and, when combined with additional market based payments, shown in the Grant Thornton report included in the study, provides a strong economic case for this purchase. In particular, the study demonstrates the potential for purchasers of VRB Energy Storage Systems in the Irish market to achieve a very healthy IRR of 17.5% on their investment."

Thornton concluded that in their opinion, based upon the work they have performed and subject to any variations to key assumptions that might prove necessary, the VRB-ESS investment at Sorne Hill Wind Farm would generate a Project internal rate of return ("IRR") of 11.7% (pre-tax). However, given an appropriately structured investment which utilizes commercially viable levels of gearing, the VRB-ESS at Sorne Hill Wind Farm would generate an IRR of c.17.5% (post tax) for an equity investor.

"This study demonstrates the economic viability of our systems for wind farms such as Sorne Hill," stated Tim Hennessy, CEO of VRB Power Systems. "This is largely due to our ability to enable wind powered generation to match many of the characteristics of conventional 'base load and peaking plant', thereby allowing wind power to be dispatched in a similar way to conventional generation . The report also highlights the need for storage in Ireland to enable the successful roll-out of wind generation from the current installed base of approx. 800MW up to and beyond the 3,000MW currently contracted or proposed, and to deal with the intermittency and constraint issues already being experienced. It is estimated that at least 700MW of storage may be required across Ireland. This sale will provide us with a "blue-print" to execute on similar opportunities in Ireland and worldwide," concluded Hennessy.

The VRB Energy Storage System (VRB-ESS) is an electrical energy storage system based on the patented vanadium-based redox regenerative fuel cell that converts chemical energy into electrical energy. Energy is stored chemically in different ionic forms of vanadium in a dilute sulfuric acid electrolyte. The electrolyte is pumped from separate plastic storage tanks into flow cells across a proton exchange membrane (PEM) where one form of electrolyte is electrochemically oxidized and the other is electrochemically reduced. This creates a current that is collected by electrodes and made available to an external circuit. The reaction is reversible allowing the battery to be charged, discharged and recharged.

The study goes into great detail on how the system works and how it is used to mitigate power imbalance, smoothing power output and providing an arbitrage service. A previous post describes VRB flow batteries, the companies that produce them and their use in various applications.

Headquartered in Vancouver, Canada, VRB Power Systems Inc. is an energy storage technology developer which is marketing, selling and manufacturing products utilizing the patented VRB Energy Storage System ("VRB-ESS™").

The VRB-ESS is well suited for a variety of applications. Enabling the provision of "firm" capacity from intermittent renewable generation such as wind and solar; more cost effective and efficient generation of electricity in remote areas; capital deferral for utilities; and load leveling (peak shaving) applications.

27 Mar 2007

Dispatchable Wind turbine System

Dispatchable Wind turbine System

Wind_tubine Attleboro, MA - General Compression, Inc., the pioneer of dispatchable wind power, has successfully closed an initial round of funding for over $5,000,000. These funds will be used to accelerate the development of General Compression's revolutionary dispatchable wind technology.

The company focuses on collecting energy from the wind as compressed air, storing the compressed air in pipes and underground geologic features, and expanding the air on demand to make electricity. The company anticipates that this technology will lead to a dispatchable wind energy platform that will offer utility scale energy parks creating wind energy on demand at competitive prices.

Dispatchable wind energy can be sold when prices are high, and stored when prices are low.

Conventional turbines need to protect their generators from accepting too much energy. When the wind blows over 10 meters/second (m/s) most turbines feather their blades to begin shedding incoming wind energy. When wind speeds reach 15 m/s, most turbines stop accepting any new energy, and at 25-30m/s the machines shut down.

Their system is not limited in its output like a generator, and can accept much higher energy inputs and rotor speeds. In windy sites, this means that for the same foundation, tower, and blades, energy production can be substantially improved.

When the wind blows, lift is created on the turbine blades, spinning the compressor inside the nacelle. The compressor pumps air to over 100 atmospheres of pressure and sends the air down the tower into an underground network of high-pressure pipes.

The high-pressure pipeline network collects and stores 6-12 hours of energy. The energy collection system doubles as a storage system.

Electricity is very difficult and expensive to store on a utility scale. Capacitors can store energy efficiently on a scale of seconds, and flywheels and open flow batteries can store energy for minutes, but only compressed air and pumped hydro store energy efficiently on a time scale of days or months. If the project is sited near a geologic feature such as a salt dome, aquifer, limestone cavern, or depleted gas field, energy storage times can exceed weeks and even months.

Their expanders, that drive generators, are rated at four the power output of their compressors, greatly increasing the nameplate capacity of our windplants, and enabling us to offer the lowest installed cost per kW of any wind technology in the world.

Conventional wind farms need to reserve transmission rights based on their nameplate generating rating, even though on average they will only use 20-40% of this transmission capacity. This results in over-paying for transmission, and in over-allocating resources to the wind farm. Grid congestion during high wind periods can lead to curtailments in which conventional wind farms are ordered to shut down some or all of their energy production. The anticipation of grid congestion delays some wind farm projects for years until grid upgrades are completed.

A Dispatchable wind farm can be configured at twice the rating of a conventional wind farm and still fit through the same transmission corridor. It can also use 100% of available transmission capacity during peak price periods, and store energy rather than waste it during periods of curtailment. By shifting the time when power is sold, the wind project can sell power on peak at a higher price, be more compatible with the needs of the grid, and become eligible for capacity payments. This solution will double the profitability of wind farms.

Since intra-day peak and off-peak prices often differ by a factor of 4, substantial value is lost by not achieving peak prices. General Compression wind farms can be configured to earn peak energy prices, boosting wind farm revenues substantially.

25 Mar 2007

Is 2025 the Year for Fuel Cell Cars?

Is 2025 the Year for Fuel Cell Cars?

Honda_fcx_concept Reuters -- Hydrogen is being touted as an environmentally friendly fuel of the future, but the road to hydrogen-powered vehicles will not be easy, industry experts said at the National Hydrogen Association (NHA) Annual Hydrogen Conference this week.

BMW, Toyota, Honda, GM, DaimlerChrysler and Volkswagen had hydrogen-powered vehicles on display at the conference, some costing up to a million dollars a piece and having limited range on a hydrogen fill-up.

Topics raised include the cost of the cars themselves, the cars' limited ranges, hydrogen storage and difficulties of establishing hydrogen refuelling stations.

BMW vice president of clean technology Frank Ochmann predicted that fuel cell-powered cars would be commonly sold and produced by 2025.

He also revealed that the German manufacturer was working on an insulated tank to keep hydrogen in its liquid state. He claimed: "If you put in this tank a snowman, it would take about thirteen years to melt down ."

Venture Capitalist and Business Analyst Predict Rapid Expansion of Biofuels Industry, Dramatic Reductions in Carbon Emissions

Venture Capitalist and Business Analyst Predict Rapid Expansion of Biofuels Industry, Dramatic Reductions in Carbon Emissions

Vinod Khosla, Jens Riese Deliver Keynotes at BIO's World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing

Busness Wire News Release -- A top venture capitalist and a prominent biotechnology industry business consultant today both said that the biofuels industry is poised for exceptional growth and that ethanol from cellulose appears to be the most promising alternative fuel over the long-term. During keynote speeches at the World Congress on Industrial Biotechnology and Bioprocessing, Vinod Khosla of Khosla Ventures and Dr. Jens Riese of McKinsey & Co. also highlighted the significant reductions in greenhouse gas emissions achievable with ethanol from cellulose. The fourth annual World Congress runs March 21-24 at the Walt Disney World Swan and Dolphin Resort in Orlando, Fla.

In a speech titled "The Role of Venture Capital in Developing Cellulosic Ethanol," Khosla outlined the range of technologies currently being commercialized to convert cellulosic biomass to transportation fuels. Khosla said that the U.S. Department of Energy's recent grants to cooperatively fund biorefineries that produce ethanol from cellulose is an acknowledgment that the technology is moving faster than expected. He said that a 100 percent replacement of petroleum transportation fuels with biofuels is achievable, and predicted that ethanol from cellulose technology will be cost competitive with current ethanol production by 2009.

Khosla also stated that ethanol from cellulose can significantly reduce carbon dioxide emissions, even achieving a net gain in greenhouse gas reduction. Khosla is the head of Khosla Ventures, a company that actively invests in breakthrough scientific work in clean technology areas, such as biorefineries for energy and bioplastics, solar, and other environmentally friendly technologies.

Dr. Jens Riese of McKinsey & Co. also addressed the World Congress plenary session with a speech titled "Beyond the Hype: Global Growth in the Biofuels Industry." Riese predicted that global annual biofuel capacity would double to 25 billion gallons over the next five years and could reach 80 billion gallons meeting 10 percent of world transportation fuel demand, enough to replace the annual oil production for fuel of Saudi Arabia by 2020. According to McKinsey & Company's model, biofuels can economically replace 25 percent of transportation fuel with crude oil above $50 per barrel. He concluded that the race is on to build a biofuels industry and that companies should invest now.

Further, Riese pointed out that ethanol from cellulose is the most cost-effective way of achieving greenhouse gas reductions, following measure to reduce demand for energy. Riese is a partner at McKinsey & Co., a leading global management consulting firm and is a top expert in industrial biotechnology.

"We are excited to see industry leaders echo our long-held enthusiasm and optimism about the exciting opportunities presented by ethanol from cellulose," said BIO 's Brent Erickson. "Indeed, we are optimistic about the opportunities presented from multiple sources of ethanol as a means to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and our environmental footprint. " BIO supports the production of ethanol from all feedstocks. Agricultural biotechnology is helping to increase corn yields, while industrial biotechnology is helping to convert corn starch and crop residues into ethanol more efficiently. With ongoing advances in biotechnology, biofuels can help America meet nearly half its transportation-fuel needs by the middle of this century.

The World Congress is hosted by the Biotechnology Industry Organization (BIO), the American Chemical Society, the National Agricultural Biotechnology Council, the European Federation of Biotechnology, BIOTECanada and EuropaBIO.

About BIO

BIO represents more than 1,100 biotechnology companies, academic institutions, state biotechnology centers and related organizations across the United States and 31 other nations. BIO members are involved in the research and development of healthcare, agricultural, industrial and environmental biotechnology products. BIO also produces the annual BIO International Convention, the world 's largest biotechnology conference and exhibition

23 Mar 2007

News : バイオ燃料

品質規格を設け粗悪品を排除 バイオ燃料の普及で全国協を設立


農水省は20日、「世界バイオ燃料政策 東京フォーラム」を東京都内で開いた。国内外の専門家らが、サトウキビやトウモロコシを原料とする輸送用燃料「バイオエタノール」の利用を促進させる政策について講演し、意見交換した。

Biofuels Powerは米国時間3月5日、バイオディーゼル燃料のみを使い最大5メガWの発電能力を有する発電所を稼働開始した。同社は今後、その2倍の電力を供給できる発電所の建設も計画している。
Biofuels Powerは、バイオディーゼル燃料だけで発電することで、代替エネルギー利用の見本になり得ると述べている。すでに第2の発電所の計画も進んでおり、10メガW以上の発電能力を見込んでいるという。10メガWの発電能力ならば、約3000世帯に電力を供給することが可能だ。
ミネソタ州立大学名誉教授のVernon Eidman氏は最近の取材に答え、「低温下での流動性を改善する低コストの添加剤を開発できなければ、バイオディーゼル燃料は(自動車用)燃料としての利用に適さない。したがって、たとえば暖房用の燃料など、燃料供給系統を華氏60度(摂氏約15度)以上に保てる環境での利用が主となるかもしれない」と記した。


Bush seeks to scrap current ethanol standard

Bush seeks to scrap current ethanol standard
Tue Mar 20, 2007 6:23PM EDT
By Tom Doggett

WASHINGTON (Reuters) - The Bush administration has proposed scrapping the current U.S. renewable fuels standard that requires ethanol use to reach 6.8 billion gallons a year in 2010 in favor of a wider alternative fuels requirement that aims to cut America's foreign oil dependence.

Under the legislative proposal sent to Congress on Monday, the new standard would require U.S. ethanol and alternative fuel consumption to reach 10 billion gallons in 2010.

The alternative fuels standard would then slowly rise through 2014, and ramp up the following three years to reach 35 billion gallons annually in 2017.

The 35 billion gallon goal is part of the Bush administration's plan to reduce projected 2017 gasoline consumption by 20 percent.

The administration's plan "holds the promise of changing this trend, diversifying the sources, types, and volumes of fuels we use and reducing our nation's vulnerability to supply disruption," said U.S . Energy Secretary Sam Bodman and Environmental Protection Agency head Stephen Johnson in a joint letter that accompanied the draft bill sent on Monday to the House Energy and Commerce Committee.

In addition to ethanol, alternative fuels under the bill would include biodiesel and motor fuel made from municipal solid waste, natural gas, hydrogen, coal-derived liquid fuels, electricity and other fuels to be determined by the Energy Department.

The draft legislation calls for a credit, banking and trading program to encourage alternative fuel production.

The bill authorizes the federal government to sell compliance credits, which are weighted for their energy or BTU content, to make sure the program does not impose unreasonable costs on consumers, Bodman and Johnson said.

Identification numbers would be assigned to each batch of alternative fuel that is produced or imported. The numbers would be used by the obligated parties to demonstrate they are meeting the new fuel standard, or transferred to other parties that are not in compliance.

Many energy experts question whether Bush's plan is feasible and doubt the United States will make the scientific breakthroughs necessary to produce affordable cellulosic ethanol that is made from agricultural and farm wastes. Most U.S. fuel ethanol is now made from higher-priced corn.

Still, Bush promoted his plan on Tuesday when he toured a General Motors Corp. plant in Kansas and a Ford Motor Co. facility in Missouri that make vehicles that run on limited alternative fuels.

"That technology is coming. It may be far-fetched to some," Bush said in a speech following his tour. "I think it's achievable," he said.

22 Mar 2007

Crops feel the heat as the world warms

Crops feel the heat as the world warms

Stanford, Calif. – Over a span of two decades, warming temperatures have caused annual losses of roughly $5 billion for major food crops, according to a new study by researchers at the Carnegie Institution and Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory.

From 1981-2002, warming reduced the combined production of wheat, corn, and barley—cereal grains that form the foundation of much of the world's diet—by 40 million metric tons per year. The study, which will be published March 16 in the online journal Environmental Research Letters, demonstrates that this decline is due to human-caused increases in global temperatures.

"Most people tend to think of climate change as something that will impact the future," said Christopher Field, co-author on the study and director of Carnegie's Department of Global Ecology in Stanford, Calif. "But this study shows that warming over the past two decades has already had real effects on global food supply."

The study is the first to estimate how much global food production has already been affected by climate change. Field and David Lobell, lead author of the study and a researcher at Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, compared yield figures from the Food and Agriculture Organization with average temperatures and precipitation in the major growing regions.

They found that, on average, global yields for several of the crops responded negatively to warmer temperatures, with yields dropping by about 3-5 percent for every 1 degree F increase. Average global temperatures increased by about 0.7 degrees F during the study period, with even larger changes in several regions.

"Though the impacts are relatively small compared to the technological yield gains over the same period, the results demonstrate that negative impacts are already occurring," said Lobell.

The researchers focused on the six most widely grown crops in the world: wheat, rice, maize (corn), soybeans, barley and sorghum—a genus of about 30 species of grass raised for grain. These crops occupy more than 40 percent of the world's cropland, and account for at least 55 percent of non-meat calories consumed by humans. They also contribute more than 70 percent of the world's animal feed.

The main value of this study, the authors said, was that it demonstrates a clear and simple correlation between temperature increases and crop yields at the global scale. However, Field and Lobell also used this information to further investigate the relationship between observed warming trends and agriculture.

"We assumed that farmers have not yet adapted to climate change—for example, by selecting new crop varieties to deal with climate change. If they have been adapting—something that is very difficult to measure—then the effects of warming may have been lower," explained Lobell.

Most experts believe that adaptation would lag several years behind climate trends, because it can be difficult to distinguish climate trends from natural variability. "A key moving forward is how well cropping systems can adapt to a warmer world. Investments in this area could potentially save billions of dollars and millions of lives," Lobell added.

21 Mar 2007

New biofuels process promises to meet all U.S. transportation needs

New biofuels process promises to meet all U.S. transportation needs

WEST LAFAYETTE, Ind. - Purdue University chemical engineers have proposed a new environmentally friendly process for producing liquid fuels from plant matter - or biomass - potentially available from agricultural and forest waste, providing all of the fuel needed for "the entire U.S. transportation sector."

The new approach modifies conventional methods for producing liquid fuels from biomass by adding hydrogen from a "carbon-free" energy source, such as solar or nuclear power, during a step called gasification. Adding hydrogen during this step suppresses the formation of carbon dioxide and increases the efficiency of the process, making it possible to produce three times the volume of biofuels from the same quantity of biomass, said Rakesh Agrawal, Purdue's Winthrop E. Stone Distinguished Professor of Chemical Engineering.

The researchers are calling their approach a "hybrid hydrogen-carbon process," or H2CAR.

"Further research is needed to make this a large-scale reality," Agrawal said. "We could use H2CAR to provide a sustainable fuel supply to meet the needs of the entire U.S. transportation sector - all cars, trucks, trains and airplanes."

The process, which would make possible the dawning of a "hydrogen-carbon economy," is detailed in a research paper appearing online this week in the Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences. The paper was written by Agrawal, chemical engineering doctoral student Navneet R. Singh, and chemical engineering professors Fabio H. Ribeiro and W. Nicholas Delgass.

A conventional method for turning biomass or coal into liquid fuels involves first breaking down the raw material with a chemical process that "gasifies" it into carbon dioxide, carbon monoxide and hydrogen. Then those constituents are turned into a liquid fuel with other processes.

In the H2CAR concept, hydrogen would be harvested by splitting water molecules, possibly with a well-known method called electrolysis. Then the hydrogen would be added during the gasification step, making the process more efficient by suppressing the formation of carbon dioxide and converting all of the carbon atoms to fuel.

When conventional methods are used to convert biomass or coal to liquid fuels, 60 percent to 70 percent of the carbon atoms in the starting materials are lost in the process as carbon dioxide, a greenhouse gas, whereas no carbon atoms would be lost using H2CAR, Agrawal said.

"This waste is due to the fact that you are using energy contained in the biomass to drive the entire process," he said. "I'm saying, treat biomass predominantly as a supplier of carbon atoms, not as an energy source."

Power for the electrolysis would be provided by carbon-free energy sources, such as solar, wind or nuclear power. And, unlike conventional methods of producing liquid fuels from plant matter and coal, H2CAR would not emit carbon dioxide into the atmosphere.

"The goal is to accomplish the complete transformation of every carbon atom in the feedstock to liquid fuel by supplementing the conversion process with hydrogen from a carbon-free energy source," Agrawal said.

Other researchers have estimated that the United States has a sustainable supply of about 1.4 billion tons of biomass each year that could be used specifically for the production of liquid fuels. With conventional methods, that quantity of biomass would provide 30 percent of the fuel required for the nation's annual transportation needs. But the same quantity of biomass would provide enough fuel to meet all transportation needs using the new H2CAR method, Agrawal said.

"This is possible without using any additional land," he said.

A federal study indicates that 1 billion tons of biomass is potentially available every year from agricultural sources such as crop wastes, animal manure, grains and other crops. The remaining biomass could come from sources including fuel wood from forests, wastes left over from wood processing mills and paper mills, and construction and demolition debris.

The process also offers potential advantages over producing liquid fuels from coal using conventional methods, which emit carbon dioxide. Because H2CAR would not emit this additional carbon dioxide, the process would eliminate the need for proposed carbon dioxide "sequestering."

Sequestering would involve pumping carbon dioxide emissions into saltwater aquifers and hollow underground pockets that used to contain oil, natural gas and coal deposits. But the procedure poses several potential pitfalls.

"Clearly, massive quantities of carbon dioxide would be sequestered during a century-long production of liquid fuels from coal," Agrawal aid. "This would place extreme demands on the carbon dioxide capture, storage and monitoring systems."

The new process also would be more practical than all-electric or hydrogen-powered cars, in part because of the limited storage capacity of batteries and hydrogen storage tanks.

"The tremendous convenience provided by the existing infrastructure for delivering and storing today's fuels is a huge deterrent to introducing technologies that use only batteries or hydrogen alone," Agrawal said. "A major advantage of our process is that it would enable us to use the current infrastructure and internal combustion engine technology. It is quite attractive for hybrid electric vehicles and plug-in hybrid electric vehicles."

To grow enough biomass for the entire nation's transportation needs using the conventional method for producing biofuels would require a land area 25 percent to 55 percent the size of the United States, compared with about 6 percent to 10 percent for the H2CAR process.

"This large reduction of land area needed for H2CAR provides an opportunity for sustainable production of hydrocarbon fuel for the foreseeable future," Agrawal said.

A major reason less land would be needed is because of the overall higher efficiency of generating hydrogen by splitting water molecules using solar energy to drive the electrolysis. Usually, the hydrogen in liquid fuels made from biomass comes from the plant matter itself. But it typically takes more than 10 times the solar energy to grow crops than it does to produce the equivalent quantity of hydrogen possessing the same energy content by using the solar-power electrolysis method, he said.

"So providing hydrogen derived from water through solar electrolysis reduces the amount of biomass needed," Agrawal said. "The average energy efficiency of growing crops is typically less than 1 percent, whereas the energy efficiency of photovoltaic cells to split water into hydrogen and oxygen is about 8-10 percent. I am getting hydrogen at a higher efficiency than I get biomass, meaning I need less land."

Using coal exclusively to produce liquid fuels for the nation's transportation sector could deplete all coal deposits in the United States in about 90 years, whereas H2CAR would enable the known coal reserves to last 140 years.

The researchers suggest in the paper the chemical processing steps needed to make the new approach practical. But making the concept economically competitive with gasoline and diesel fuel would require research in two areas: finding ways to produce cheap hydrogen from carbon-free sources and developing a new type of gasifier needed for the process.

"Having said that, this is the first concept for creating a sustainable system that derives all of our transportation fuels from biomass," Agrawal said.

Purdue has filed a patent for the concept. The approach is in the conceptual stages, and a plan for experimental research is in progress.

20 Mar 2007

Japan Biofuel News



今後は病害虫にも強い品種へ、一層の改良を加え、道内外の試験場や開発途 上国などで栽培の輪を広げ普及を目指す。でんぷん質が多いため、バイオエタノールの原料としても期待できそうだ。

5カ国プラスEC、国際バイオ燃料フォーラムを設立 2007/03/19
中国のLiu Zhenmin代表は、「フォーラムへの参加を喜んでいる。バイオ燃料の使用/販売拡大は、社会経済開発に役立つだけでなく気候変動の抑止にも繋がる。温室ガス排出は中国の長期目標であり、バイオ燃料の使用に着手する。
国際バイオ燃料フォーラム設立について報告する。(原文へ) 翻訳/サマリー=山口ひろみ(Diplomatt)/IPS Japan浅霧勝浩

急増するバイオ燃料需要 商品部・志田富雄編集委員(3月19日)
米国では今年度、トウモロコシのエタノール向け需要が21億ブッシェル強と輸出量にほぼ並ぶ。在庫減少からトウモロコシ価格は1ブッシェル4ドル台と史上最高値( 5.5ドル台)を記録した1996年以来の水準に上昇。米国内では穀物生産者が潤う一方で、トウモロコシを飼料に使う畜産農家が悲鳴を上げる。畜産農家はブッシュ大統領の地盤であるテキサス州にも多く、米政府は「トウモロコシでは
日本や欧州がバイオ燃料導入を急ぐのには、京都議定書がバイオ燃料を温暖化 ガスの削減として認めていることが大きい。京都議定書が目指す削減目標(日本の場合は1990年比で6%減)の算定(2008—12年の平均)は来年から始まる。


17 Mar 2007

News : バイオ燃料


バイオディーゼル燃料の利用推進へ協議会 京都市長ら

体で構成する。バイオディーゼル燃料は菜種や廃天ぷら油などから 作る。バス

petroleum)」と名付け、その開発を目指している(同社はRenewable Petroleum
Somerville氏とハーバード・メディカルスクール遺伝学教授のGeorge Church
氏の研究成果をもとにしている。Somerville氏はCarnegie Institutionのディ
する米エネルギー省GTL(GTLはGenomes to Lifeの略)Bioenergy Research Center
のディレクターも務めている。LS9の主な出資元は投資会社のKhosla Ventures
で、同社のパートナーであるDoug Cameron氏がLS9の最高経営責任者(CEO)代
Khosla Venturesは、合成生物や自然界の生物が持つ力の利用に取り組むさ
からスピンアウトした企業のGevoもある。また、Khosla Venturesは、微生物
さらに、カリフォルニア工科大学の教授であるMel Simon氏が設立した工業
新興企業のAmyris Biotechnologiesは、合成生物学を使ったマラリア治療薬を
Craig Venter氏は、Synthetic Genomicsという企業を設立し、自然生物学と合
成生物学の活用に取り組んでいる。(CNET Japan)

Seeing Red: Palm Oil Biodiesel

Seeing Red: Palm Oil Biodiesel

In the enthusiasm for renewable energy and taking care of our environment, it is easy to assume that making fuel from plants (biofuel) must be by definition "green" and renewable. However when it comes to energy issues, easy assumptions can be dangerous assumptions. In previous years some politicians and advocates in Europe have made these assumptions without sufficient thought and research and secured government subsidies for companies importing palm oil from South East Asia to make biodiesel for transport and for use in electricity generation.

The demand for palm oil in Europe has soared in the last two decades, first for use in food and cosmetics, and more recently for fuel. This cheap oil can be used for a variety of purposes, including as an ingredient about 10 percent of supermarket products, from chocolate to toothpaste.

Promoted by hundreds of millions of dollars in national subsidies, the Netherlands quickly became the leading importer of palm oil in Europe, taking in 1.7 million tons in 2006, nearly double the previous year.

Now it is increasingly difficult to ignore the mounting body of scientific evidence that palm oil plantations in Indonesia and Malaysia, rather than preserving the environment are in fact actively destroying it. By subsidising biofuels, European governments have artificially raised demand for palm oil in Europe, and accelerated the destruction of huge areas of rainforest in South East Asia. Palm oil plantations are often expanded by draining and burning peatland, releasing enormous amounts of carbon dioxide into the atmosphere. As a result Indonesia has become the world's third largest emitter of carbon dioxide, ranked after the United States and China, according to a study released in December by researchers from Wetlands International and Delft Hydraulics, both based in the Netherlands.

The 2003 European Union Biofuels Directive, which required all member states aim to have 5.75 percent of transportation run on biofuel in 2010, is now under review. In the Netherlands, the data from Indonesia has prompted the government to suspend palm oil subsidies.

In Europe a small amount of rapeseed and sunflower oil is used to make diesel fuel, however increasingly plant oils are being imported from the tropics, since there is simply not enough plant matter or land for biofuel production at home. So while the billions of dollars in European subsidies appear to have reduced carbon emissions in European countries by importing biofuels, this has been achieved by exporting them and increasing their impact many times by the permanent destruction of rainforest and peatland in South East Asia.

For anyone familiar with how the ethanol industry works in the United States, they will be unsurprised to learn that the palm oil industry was promoted long before there was adequate research. Biofuel Watch, an environment group in Britain, now says that "biofuels should not automatically be classed as renewable energy." It supports a stop on subsidies until more research can determine if various biofuels in different regions are produced in a nonpolluting manner. The group also suggests that all emissions arising from the production of a biofuel be counted as emissions in the country where the fuel is actually used, providing a clearer accounting of environmental costs.

BEFORE: rainforest on the Indonesian part of the island of Borneo

Friends of the Earth estimates that 87 percent of the deforestation in Malaysia from 1985 to 2000 was caused by new palm oil plantations. In Indonesia, the amount of land devoted to palm oil has increased 118 percent in the last eight years.

AFTER: a palm oil plantation

Peat is an organic sponge composed of 90 percent water that stores huge amounts of carbon, which when it is drained emits huges amounts of carbon into the atmosphere.

Even worse peatland is often burned to clear ground for plantations. The Dutch study estimated that the draining of peatland in Indonesia releases 660 million tons of carbon a year into the atmosphere and that fires contributed 1.5 billion tons annually.

Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
the haze has covered much of SE Asia for extended periods of time since 1997

The total is equivalent to 8 percent of all global emissions caused annually by burning fossil fuels, the researchers said. "These emissions generated by peat drainage in Indonesia were not counted before," according to a Wetlands spokesperson. "It was a totally ignored problem."

While for the moment the widescale destruction of rainforests in South East Asia continues, hopefully the palm oil story will serve as a cautionary tale which will lead to much better informed policymaking and behaviour. Politicians must resist the urge to rush to legislate and subsidise in order to bask in the glow of being seen to be "doing something" while a number of so-called green companies profit from taxpayer subsidised destruction. Energy policy must make sense from a scientific ( i.e. it should be energy positive), economic and environmental viewpoint. However the continued promotion of ethanol and coal-to-liquids calls for continued skepticism.

The Future of Coal

The Future of Coal

An interdisciplinary MIT faculty group examined the role of coal in a world where constraints on carbon dioxide emissions are adopted to mitigate global climate change. Their report, The Future of Coal, examines how the world can continue to use coal, an abundant and inexpensive fuel, in a way that mitigates, instead of worsens, the global warming crisis.

The report is extremely comprehensive and in my view very objective and should play an important role in determining government policy regarding coal fired power plants.

They are especially critical of the government picking a technology "winner." Although IGCC is the lowest cost solution at the present they contend that super critical pulverized coal plants or oxycombustion plants could be competitive and deserve more funding. They also conclude that a significant reduction of carbon emissions is possible only when a significant price is placed on CO2 emissions.

The remainder of this post is composed of excerpts of key parts of the report.

This report evaluates the technologies and costs associated with the generation of electricity from coal along with those associated with the capture and sequestration of the carbon dioxide produced coal-based power generation. Growing electricity demand in the U.S. and in the world will require increases in all generation options (renewables, coal, and nuclear) in addition to increased efficiency and conservation in its use. Coal is likely to remain an important source of energy in any conceivable future energy scenario.

The report concludes that carbon capture and sequestration (CCS) is the critical enabling technology to help reduce CO2 emissions significantly while also allowing coal to meet the world's pressing energy needs.

According to Dr. Deutch, Institute Professor, Department of Chemistry "As the world's leading energy user and greenhouse gas emitter, the U.S. must take the lead in showing the world CCS can work. Demonstration of technical, economic, and institutional features of CCS at commercial scale coal combustion and conversion plants will give policymakers and the public confidence that a practical carbon mitigation control option exists, will reduce cost of CCS should carbon emission controls be adopted, and will maintain the low-cost coal option in an environmentally acceptable manner ."

The central message of the report is:

Demonstration of technical, economic, and institutional features of carbon capture and sequestration at commercial scale coal combustion and conversion plants will

  1. give policymakers and the public confidence that this carbon mitigation control option is practical for broad application,
  2. shorten the deployment time and reduce the cost for carbon capture and sequestration should a carbon emission control policy be adopted, and
  3. maintain opportunities for the use of coal in a carbon constrained world in an environmentally acceptable manner.

Key findings in this study:

  • Coal is a low-cost, per BTU, mainstay of both the developed and developing world, and its use is projected to increase. Because of coal's high carbon content, increasing use will exacerbate the problem of climate change unless coal plants are deployed with very high efficiency and large scale CCS is implemented.
  • CCS is the critical enabling technology because it allows significant reduction in CO2 emissions while allowing coal to meet future energy needs.
  • A significant charge on carbon emissions is needed in the relatively near term to increase the economic attractiveness of new technologies that avoid carbon emissions and specifically to lead to large-scale CCS in the coming decades. We need large-scale demonstration projects of the technical, economic and environmental performance of an integrated CCS system. We should proceed with carbon sequestration projects as soon as possible. Several integrated large-scale demonstrations with appropriate measurement, monitoring and verification are needed in the United States over the next decade with government support. This is important for establishing public confidence for the very large-scale sequestration program anticipated in the future. The regulatory regime for large-scale commercial sequestration should be developed with a greater sense of urgency, with the Executive Office of the President leading an inter agency process.
  • The U.S. government should provide assistance only to coal projects with CO2 capture in order to demonstrate technical, economic and environmental performance.
  • Today, IGCC appears to be the economic choice for new coal plants with CCS. However, this could change with further RD&D, so it is not appropriate to pick a single technology winner at this time, especially in light of the variability in coal type, access to sequestration sites, and other factors. The government should provide assistance to several "first of a kind" coal utilization demonstration plants, but only with carbon capture.
  • Congress should remove any expectation that construction of new coal plants without CO2 capture will be "grandfathered" and granted emission allowances in the event of future regulation. This is a perverse incentive to build coal plants without CO2 capture today.
  • Emissions will be stabilized only through global adherence to CO2 emission constraints. China and India are unlikely to adopt carbon constraints unless the U.S. does so and leads the way in the development of CCS technology.
  • Key changes must be made to the current Department of Energy RD&D program to successfully promote CCS technologies. The program must provide for demonstration of CCS at scale; a wider range of technologies should be explored; and modeling and simulation of the comparative performance of integrated technology systems should be greatly enhanced.

[Their findings are elaborated in chapter 8 of the report. The complete text of their finding on the relative merits of coal power plants is as follows]

It is premature to select one coal conversion technology as the preferred route for cost-effective electricity generation combined with CCS. With present technologies and higher quality coals, the cost of electricity generated with CCS is cheaper for IGCC than for air or oxygen driven SCPC. For sub-bituminous coals and lignite, the cost difference is significantly less and could even be reversed by future technical advances. Since commercialization of clean coal technology requires advances in R&D as well as technology demonstration, other conversion/combustion technologies should not be ruled out today and deserve R&D support at the process development unit (PDU) scale.

[The complete text of their finding regarding the need for a significant charge on carbon emissions is as follows]

A global carbon charge starting at $25 per ton of CO2 emitted (or nearly $100 per tonne of carbon), imposed initially in 2015 and rising at a real rate of 4% per year, will likely cause adjustments to energy demand, supply technologies and fuel choice sufficient to stabilize mid-century global CO2 emissions from all industrial and energy sources at a level of 26 to 28 gigatons of CO2 per year. Depending on the expansion of nuclear power, the use of coal increases from 20% to 60% above today's level, while CO2 emissions from coal are reduced to half or a third of what they are today. This level of carbon charge implies an increase in the bus bar cost of U.S. electricity on average of about 40%, or about 20% of the retail cost. A significant contributor to the emissions reduction from coal is the introduction of CCS, which is utilized as an economical response to carbon charges at these levels. In the EPPA model simulations, approximately 60% of coal use employs CCS by 2050 with this carbon charge.

16 Mar 2007

Gasoline Prices Rising to New High Levels?

Gasoline Prices Rising to New High Levels?

The chart below shows the average retail prices of gasoline over the last 5 years during the first 5 months of the year. Apparently an increase in seasonal demand during this period generally causes retail gasoline prices to increase during the first part of the year, but this year there may be some additional factors including: 1) Increased prices of crude due to cold weather arriving late and OPEC production cuts, 2) Demand is running high relative to seasonal norms, 3) Refinery maintenance and some unplanned refinery refinery outages have reduced gasoline production in recent weeks and 4) Gasoline imports have declined due to a higher demand in Europe.

At 255.9 cents per gallon as of March 12, 2007 prices are now 19.3 cents per gallon higher than at this time last year. In California prices are now at 306.8 cents per gallon, 53.6 cents per gallon above last year's price. How high will prices go this year? Twip_gasoline_prices_20032006

Chart and comments adapted from This Week In Petroleum, March 14, 2007. See this reference for more detailed analysis.

10 Mar 2007

News : EU agrees on 'binding' renewable energy goals

EU agrees on 'binding' renewable energy goals
By Constant Brand / Associated Press
El Paso Times
Article Launched:03/09/2007 12:00:00 AM MST
BRUSSELS, Belgium -- European Union leaders agreed Thursday to establish binding targets for renewable energy, but they put off the issue of how to achieve them, Sweden's premier said.

The leaders agreed they would leave it up to the European Commission to find a way to work out with each country how to achieve its individual binding target, said Swedish Prime Minister Fredrik Reinfeldt.

It appeared that some countries might have to share the burden on overall reductions.

Reinfeldt added that the leaders also agreed on reducing carbon emissions by 20 percent below 1990 levels.

"We have been able to focus on a lot of objectives. We have concluded that we need a target for renewable energy supply and that it should be binding  but there will be a discussion on what that means for each and every member state. The presidency concluded it will put out the text with 'binding' in it," Reinfeldt said.

As the meeting began, Germany sought to preserve an ambitious strategy that aims to cut carbon emissions and to use more renewable energy sources.

Poland, the Czech Republic, Slovakia and France had all voiced strong objections to a binding 20 percent target for renewables by 2020; several wanted nuclear power included as an alternative low-carbon source.

German Chancellor Angela Mer kel, leading the two-day summit, said Europe had much to lose if it did not agree on a tough package of measures including new cuts on carbon dioxide emissions and shift to a low-carbon economy to fight climate change and reduce its dependence on oil imports.

"We have got to go for a sensible solution, for the right policy mix, which will ultimately deliver results for our grandchildren," Mer kel said before the summit began.

She and European Commission President Jose Manuel Barroso said the 27-nation bloc had to seek innovative solutions and set a global standard.

"We are now trying to ask the leaders of Europe to rise to the occasion," Barroso said.

Merkel said she expected "very difficult negotiations" between poorer EU members and richer ones over setting binding targets on the use of renewable energy.

An east-west split was emerging at the talks. Poland was leading opposition to a push by Germany, Britain and Italy for the binding 20 percent renewables target by 2020.

"Poland has a very low rate of renewables. Merkel's plan is too ambitious and not feasible," Polish President Lech Kaczynski said.

Poland, the Czech Republic and other Eastern European nations argue that they cannot afford to invest in costly alternative sourc es such as wind, solar or hydroelectric power, and prefer to stay with cheaper, but more polluting options such as coal.

News : First 100% Biodiesel Power Plant

Houston Area Power Generating Plant Is First in U.S. to Run Entirely on Biodiesel Fuel

OAK RIDGE NORTH, Texas--(BUSINESS WIRE)--Biofuels Power Corp. announced today that it has begun producing and selling electricity into the ERCOT Power Grid from its biodiesel powered generating plant in Oak Ridge North, Texas. The Oak Ridge North facility is the first power plant in the country to run entirely on biodiesel, a renewable carbon neutral fuel produced from vegetable oil and animal fat. Biofuels Power plans to build a series of biodiesel powered electric generating plants to serve residential and industrial customers in the Houston Metropolitan area.

The Oak Ridge North facility has a capacity of up to 5 Megawatts and uses three diesel powered Caterpillar generators that run exclusively on biodiesel fuel produced by the Safe Renewables refinery located within two miles of the power plant. Safe Renewables Corp. (SRC) is emerging as one of the leading biodiesel producers and marketers in North America. Currently supplying biodiesel fuel to meet power generation and transportation requirements, SRC produces biodiesel from renewable sources including soy, cottonseed, canola oil and animal fats.

Ken Crimmins, COO of Biofuels Power, said, "We believe the new Oak Ridge North plant will be a showcase installation for environmentally conscious companies that want to reduce their air pollution footprint by satisfying their electricity needs with carbon neutral and 100% renewable fuels. We are proud that the Oak Ridge North facility is one of the cleanest generating facilities in the country. We also believe this first important step in urban renewable power can reduce America 's dependence on foreign oil while significantly benefiting our domestic agricultural economy."

Jeffrey Kissell, Safe Renewables' President and CEO, said, "We are very pleased to have the opportunity to provide biodiesel fuel for this landmark power generation project a first for Texas and a first for the nation. We commend all the participants for their forward-looking alternative energy leadership."

Texoga BioFuels Ltd., a partnership financed through M1 Energy of Chicago, provided funding for the Oak Ridge North project. The principal investors are active commodity traders with the Chicago Board of Trade. Jay Pierce, President of M1, said, "Those of us trading in the nation's largest commodities market are conscious of the need for renewable fuels derived from agricultural products. We are pleased to be at the forefront of this new industry. It 's the right thing to do."

Biofuels Power is now constructing a larger turbine-based biodiesel power plant at the Safe Renewables' refinery site. The second facility is expected to deliver over 10 Megawatts into the Entergy power grid that delivers electricity to customers in East Texas and Louisiana. Renewable power projects such as these can ultimately provide "islands of power," protecting areas from blackouts.

The City of Oak Ridge North is located about twenty miles north of Houston, Texas, and has been encouraging the development of renewable energy. Mayor Fred O'Connor commented, "This biodiesel project will provide a stable, low emissions power source for up to eighty percent of the homes in our city. This becomes a model for the United States to encourage renewable energy one town at a time. "

8 Mar 2007



廃食用油4月から回収 徳島市、ごみ減量化図る



バイオマス 循環型社会の扉開けるか/山陽新聞社説



Web Blog : http://jookaplee.blogspot.com/

News : Clean Energy Markets to Grow to More than $225 Billion by 2016

Clean Energy Markets to Grow to More than $225 Billion by 2016
March 07, 2007

Global clean-energy markets are poised to quadruple in the next decade, growing from $55.4 billion in revenues in 2006 to more than $226.5 billion by 2016 for four benchmark technologies, according to the sixth annual Clean Energy Trends report. The free report, "Clean Energy Trends 2007,"  can be downloaded at www.cleanedge.com

For the second year in a row, the global biofuels market was slightly larger than both solar and wind, reaching $20.5 billion in 2006 and projected to grow to more than $80 billion by 2016. Clean Edge projects solar photovoltaics (modules, system components, and installations) will grow from a $15.6 billion market in 2006 to $69.3 billion by 2016; wind power installations will expand from $17.9 billion in 2006 to $60.8 billion in 2016; and the markets for fuel cells and distributed hydrogen will grow from $1.4 billion in 2006 to $15.6 billion over the next decade.

"Clean Energy Trends 2007" also names five key trends that are shaping the clean-energy landscape this year. They include:

  • Carbon Finally Has a Price and a Market
  • Biorefineries Begin to Close the Loop
  • Advanced Battery Makers Take Charge
  • Wal-Mart Becomes a Clean-Energy Market Maker
  • Utilities Get Enlightened

It is interesting to see how close in size the biofuels, solar and wind markets are projected to be and how relatively small the fuel cell/hydrogen market will be. It is also further evidence that fuel cells/hydrogen market will not be a significant factor in this time period and more reason to put more emphasis on the other technologies.


7 Mar 2007

News : Global Warming Gases to Increase by one-fifth by 2020

 Global Warming Gases to Increase by one-fifth by 2020

Smokestacks_1 According to an AP report:  By 2020, the United States will emit almost one-fifth more gases that lead to global warming than it did in 2000, increasing the risks of drought and scarce water supplies.

That projection comes from an internal draft report from the Bush administration that is more than a year overdue at the United Nations. The Associated Press obtained a copy Saturday.



6 Mar 2007



バイオ燃料実証事業、委託先公募開始 環境省



バイオ燃料議論、一段と白熱 米農務省の「展望会議」開幕
かにした。(アーリントン 時事)

植物性廃棄物バイオ燃料 米、年間1億3000万ガロンへ

【北京 2日 ロイター】 中国は長らく待たれていたバイオ燃料産